We had dear friends come to visit today and to socialize with the puppies.  Elaine, Ann and Karen came up from Springfield, and our first little boy left with them this afternoon.  It’s always very tough when the first puppy leaves, and it seems like even his six siblings are a bit subdued and melancholy tonight.  However, we are comforted to know that he is in a great forever home and we are excited for him and his future.  Thanks, Karen!
Ann using her spellbinding skills on Fouji, who loved her.
Ann using her spellbinding skills on Fouji, who loved her.
Karen and Ann snuggling the boys.
Karen and Ann snuggling the boys.
Amiass firmly believes that she is the most charming puppy of all.
Amiass firmly believes that she is the most charming puppy of all.
Ocerico Dahi, who is maturing beautifully.
Ocerico Dahi, who is maturing beautifully.
We love visitors, but they are exhausting!
We love visitors, but they are exhausting!
Ocerico Dhaakir.
Ocerico Dhaakir.
Puppies love Annie's lap!
Puppies love Annie’s lap!
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