2007 UKC Top TEn BREED winner

CH Ocerico Anisette


BISS UGCH Dakir Kaheela de Moreau x UCH Ya’Richa Nuri-al-Baida
January 29, 2007 – April 26, 2018

Riva was an angel of a Sloughi. Our daughter’s dog, she was a loving confidante, playmate and protector. She had her share of wins in the show ring, including being the youngest Sloughi in UKC history to earn her championship at 6 1/2 months. However, as a best friend and family member is where her star shined brightest, whether on vacation, or in her Halloween costumes or simply delighting us with her beautiful, dark and loving eyes. She is missed.

Photos of Riva

Our Sloughis

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