Today happened to be Toby’s birthday.  He celebrated with a plus sized supper of roasted pork with mixed ancient grains, peas, carrots, chicken liver and walnut oil.  He says he is still waiting for cake, hold the candles please. We were going to try to get some group photos of the birthday boy with his children, but keeping the VERY mobile puppies together long enough to snap a photo proved nearly impossible, so we ended up with photos of just the puppies and not with Toby. The puppies are maturing at light speed now.  They are very, very mobile.  They are all leaving their sleeping nest to potty almost 100% of the time already.  They are eating baby food (soupy pate consistency) and stealing tastes of Ami’s pudding when they can get it.  The puppies all have little nick names at home now, and I will spare you all of our ridiculousness, except to say that one little girl might be getting called Hellraiser and the other little girl might be getting called Pansy.  I am not saying that those monikers reflect components of their personalities, and I am not saying that they don’t…  They are lucky that they are so darned cute!!
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  1. Happy birthday Tobito! These are scrumptious babies! I think they are so cute when they lean against each other. Sweet. Sweet. Sweet.

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